Alchemy’s Skin Creation Challenge was the first of four opportunities for Alchemy community members to showcase their creativity and engage with co-creating lore for their Discord-native game with the power of AI.

By using Wide Worlds, the community created elemental themed artwork that is consistent with the Alchemy art style. It's not just an art contest, but a chance to make a permanent mark on the Alchemy universe, with the winning designs being featured as unlockable in-game skins.


Community Generated Game Characters

Not only were the images from the Elements campaign stunning, the thread underneath the X announcement post was active with gamers sharing their excitement for what they were going to create.

Alchemy received customized images to use within Cosmic War while engaging a larger swath of gamers who are usually left out of these kinds of creative contests.

The Alchemy Skin Creation Challenge ignited a rush of creativity within the community and opened a new collaborative era for the Alchemy team. And this is only the first chapter. With three more campaigns on the horizon, the complete elemental universe is yet to be defined. Get ready, the journey has just begun!

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