Humanity Protocol partnered with Wide Worlds to launch a series of campaigns that blended worldbuilding, community participation, and strategic storytelling to drive engagement. The campaigns spanned multiple platforms—starting with Discord and expanding to Twitter and real-world events—culminating in a comprehensive narrative that connected the digital and physical worlds.
Wide Worlds’ platform empowered Humanity Protocol to harness user-generated content (UGC), co-create compelling visuals, and craft a story that resonated with its audience. The result? Exceptional engagement metrics and a deeper connection between the brand and its community.
Compared to their average engagement on X, their campaigns got…
This inaugural campaign debuted the art style and concept of the "Renegade Squad" - a ragtag group of rebels fighting against the bots that have taken over their society. The goal was to introduce their world and allow the community to engage by creating their own Renegade Warriors, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the narrative.
The community responded enthusiastically, with close to 300 users participating, over 2,000 total votes, 800+ submissions, and 2,500+ images generated. This level of engagement set a strong foundation for the subsequent campaigns, as Humanity Protocol's audience demonstrated a deep interest in immersing themselves in the evolving story.
The second campaign shifted the focus to the robotic enemies, the "Bots", that the Renegade Squad are fighting against in their World.
This campaign allowed the audience to collaboratively build out the visual style and archetype of these antagonists, further developing the world and characters central to the ongoing narrative. Humanity Protocol provided the community with guidelines and creative prompts, encouraging them to envision the various forms and designs of the Bots. The resulting submissions showcased the diverse creativity of the audience, with a wide range of robotic designs emerging.
By allowing the community to shape the visual identity of the Bots, Humanity Protocol allowed their community creative direct important elements of the narrative, and setting the stage for the next chapter of the story.
This campaign marked a significant transition as they moved from Discord-based campaigns to Twitter to broaden their reach. Having refined the Renegade Warrior and Bot aesthetics through community engagement on Discord, the team felt confident in showcasing their evolving narrative to a wider audience.
The campaign combined the Renegade Warrior aesthetic from the first campaign with the Bot designs from the second, depicting the clash between the two sides in combat.
The shift to Twitter proved to be an initial success. The campaign generated over 2x the average impressions, 3x the average likes, 4x the average comments, and 5x the average retweets compared to Humanity Protocol's typical posts. This overwhelming response not only showcased the audience's deepening interest the evolving story, but also validated the team's decision to expand their platform presence.
The final campaign, promoting Humanity Protocol's presence at the Token 2049 conference in Singapore, achieved unprecedented engagement levels on Twitter and remains one of their most viral tweets. By featuring custom graphics that blended Singapore landmarks with the established Renegade Squad/Bots narrative, the campaign captured widespread attention. The tweet garnered an astounding 52x the average impressions, 99x the average likes, and 922% the average retweets, and 255% comments compared to typical posts.
A key factor in this success was the interactive element allowing community members to specify which characters they wanted included in the graphics. This personalization not only boosted engagement but also strengthened the audience's connection to the narrative. The campaign's viral spread significantly amplified awareness of Humanity Protocol's physical presence at Token 2049, driving increased foot traffic to their booth and generating valuable networking opportunities.
This remarkable success demonstrated Humanity Protocol's ability to seamlessly integrate their core brand messaging with their fictional world, while effectively promoting their real-world initiatives.